Flourishing Fearlessly

Hey Fearless Woman! I’m so glad you’ve stopped by to join the movement, together we will bloom into our destiny with confidence and purpose. I am Author Monique Monae’ Davis (yes, my whole government name! LOL), the newly published and future bestselling author of The Fearless Woman, a book and journal written with love for the everyday working woman! A woman on the move and about her business, with a made-up mind and an expectation of greatness, after having done the work to secure the best parts of her future. A fearless woman!

In this next season of growth and greatness, let’s focus more of our attention and energy on the things that help to propel us into purpose. Let’s make a pact to do everything it takes to fully transform and “Flourish Fearlessly” into our destiny, breaking barriers of generational over kill. 

The year 2020 has taken us on a wild rollercoaster ride of experiences and emotions but there are still so many beautiful parts left to live. We are not making anymore excuses to procrastinate and postpone our greatness. Take the time you need to nurture and breathe new life into a few of those untapped gifts, talents, and creations. Own your path and the story that must be written about it! 

As you bloom into the next phase of becoming the fearless woman you dream to be, share, tag or post using these hashtags to continue the movement and inspire others along the way!



Fearlessly yours, 
