Discovering Your Purpose


When I first began writing my book I began to meditate and ponder on so many different topics and titles. I knew of the goals I had in mind, but I wasn’t sure of the process it required. As anxious and excited as I was to write the book, I had become doubtful in believing I could get the job done. I was consumed with worry, judging myself for time passed and there was no work to show for it. Time waits for no one and it spared me not one day! The pressure was on!

Long before I decided to get serious about the personal goals on my check list and pursue writing full time, I did some serious self- reflecting. I took a few months off of multitasking, before truly diving in. I wanted to make sure that my pursuit in life was truly aligned with my God- given purpose. Or at least close to it (LOL). You see, this year has been filled with so many swift transitions and unforeseen obstacles, it became all too easy to get sidetracked by the simplest things. So, to really zero in on my destiny I had to first stop and reset my mind.

It is no secret that like many of my readers in The Fearless Woman entourage, I am the woman bombarding God with all of my questions and prayers, I am the woman seeking more clarity and direction with each and every new day. It’s me. I am her. I am no different than you.

With every breath that I take, I am rediscovering more of my passions and purpose in life + focusing more on the good I know I deserve. I am making intentional decisions based on my personal needs.

Does that sound like the type of woman you are or aspire to be?
Are you seeking out the best parts of yourself and those in your social circles?
Are you and your girlfriends building successful relationships that propel you to greater heights, mentally and spiritually?

What are you doing to discover you purpose in life?

These are simple questions that require deep thought, honesty and a hint of transparency. Take a moment or two to think about each of these things and how you would like to do more to discover your purpose in life.

As you bloom into the next phase of becoming the fearless woman you dream to be, share, tag or post using these hashtags to continue the movement and inspire others along the way!



Fearlessly yours,
Monique Monae’ Davis